Please note that the company dhosting.pl Sp. z o.o. implements the project "Global brand expansion of Flexible Web Hosting (EWH)". The project is implemented as part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program, Sub-measure 3.3.3 MŚP support in the promotion of product brands - GO TO BRAND.
About the project
The subject of the project is the expansion of dhosting.pl Sp. z o.o. on foreign markets and the promotion of the Elastyczny Web Hosting brand (called “Dynamic Hosting”), a new category of scalable hosting services. Expansion beyond the EU perspective markets creates new development prospects and allows to increase the scale of the company's operations.
The aim of the project is to expand the export business of dhosting.pl Sp. z o.o., using the activities provided for in the Industry IT / ICT Promotion Program. Thanks to the project, company will offer on foreign markets (especially in the US) implemented as a result of its own research and development, unique in the world scalable hosting service, which adapts server resources to the needs of the user in real time, and thereby increase revenues from the export of IT services.
The implementation of the project will contribute to the promotion of the Elastyczny Web Hosting brand (Dynamic Hosting) and will strengthen the position of the company in the global technology companies offering hosting services.
Where can you meet us?
- Techcrunch Disrupt, San Francisco, USA,
- Web Summit Lisbon, Portugal,
- Cloud Expo, New York, USA.
- Cybertech, Tel Aviv, Israel,
- CeBIT Hannover, Germany
- Data Center World, London, United Kingdom.
Project value
Total value of the project: PLN 1 164 195.00
The value of co-financing: PLN 757 200.00